

Typeform is currently collaborating closely with the HubSpot services team to craft an exciting and innovative joint offering exclusively for our valued agency partners. We are thrilled to announce that a remarkable joint solution is in the works, and we cannot wait to unveil it!Typeform is your go-to platform for transforming ordinary forms and surveys into compelling tools for brand communication within your business.

With Typeform, you can effortlessly create forms, surveys, quizzes, and a plethora of other engaging content to expand your audience, enhance various aspects of your operations, and rigorously assess your most brilliant ideas.Established in the vibrant city of Barcelona around 2012, Typeform was co-founded by two visionary designers, David Okuniev and Robert Muñoz. Their unwavering mission has been to infuse a touch of humanity into online forms.

Today, Typeform continues to pioneer the evolution of online forms. Check our our latest innovation https://formless.ai/.

Partners you found through us:

We have 96 through Partnerhub® in our first 12 months. That's just the ones we accepted and chose to partner with. Based on our average revenue per partner, that could mean big money for our revenue teams.

What did you expect from Partnerprograms going in?

We expected an early-stage platform with lots of bugs and to provide little value.

What was the main positive surprise that you found after a few months?

What we received was consistent partnership requests, strong conversions on the requests we sent, and a very supportive team.

What was the biggest "Win"?

We gained 25 new partnerships within the first two months. That's unheard of in tech partnerships.

What was the main impact/change for your program from our work together?

We converted from a commission-based program to a program with non-compensatory benefits. We still pay partners, but it's not a blanket incentive like it was. This was a tough decision, but the Partnerhub® team helped us make and keep it.

What was the secondary or unexpected positive impact?

The learnings. We learned a ton about who we should partner with, incentive structure, ideal partners.... All the learnings were sped up by entering this ecosystem.

Any images relating to this success:

Interested in working with us? Join Parnterhub® >