I host a mastermind with those in the role of "Partnerships" at digital agencies with people like Ashley Scorpio / Hawke, Eryn Marx at KBK, Luis Espinal at One Rockwell... and several others with this unique roll of having to source/track leads/revenue from partners.
*Don't forget to create your profile inside Partnerhub!
I host a mastermind with those in the role of "Partnerships" at digital agencies. The learnings from these sessions are huge for any agency operator looking for growth.
Here are the strategies we uncovered in today's session so you can try them out:
#One: Setting up the partnership like a Joint Venture:
Instead of letting the partner dictate how you get through their program, why are you setting the partnership up like a JV in order to ensure reciprocity and achieving success together?
- Read this article on JVs >>
- Setup a time with your partners to run this exercise.
- Create a timeline ("partnership memorandum") with what your agency is going to do, when, how...
- Allow your partner to fill out the same thing (commit) right next to that timeline so they can visually match it.
- Then, you both sign it.
- Next, you take that gantt-style timeline into you PM tool (kanban view).
- Finally, invite your partner manager to the board so they are clear where you are at and what's happening (and, so they don't bother you constantly with what's happening questions).
#Two: Co-selling setup:
- First, choose a tool, Crossbeam or Sharework.co (we recommend Sharework bcs their free account allows you to do more than Crossbeam's free account, but both tools do the same thing).
- Next, work with their team to create; a landing page explaining what/how you work with which types of co-selling partners. Add a link to account map with you on the page. Remember - co-selling partners never see your data. You simply create a strategy for each account and for all the people who are on either side of the venn diagram.
- Email all of your partners a link to the page with an ask to book a call.
- Use VideoAsk.com to create that funnel to give the traffic an option to watch a video on how it works (makes it more personal). Email danny.gray@typeform.com to get a demo. It's free for the amount of video you'd need for this funnel.
- For those who show pipeline overlap - you set some time to go down that list of URLs and ask "Where are these at in your pipeline?" And come up with relevant intro copy for each. Do this in a sheet or airtable (URL, pipeline stage, intro copy, introduced Y/N) so both of you can see who's introduced the other to whom.
- Now, if there is a lot of data on either side - in one pipeline but not the other - create an event, white paper, research study... anything relevant to that audience that you can co-create and promote together. Launch this agenda and watch who comes over.
- IF this co-marketing agenda brought a lot of accounts over to either of your pipelines... you are partners, do it it again :)
More learned from this session:
- Agata uses these two metrics to measure partner success (aside from referrals):
- Pipeline speed and engagement in partner-created events.
- Ashley / Hawke Media have a new white label arrangement for agencies. Message her for details.
- Luis filled us in on leveraging partners to create copy/assets for the co-selling and co-marketing.
- Agata shared a paid community her and prez are in that could bare leads soon:
- https://www.linkedin.com/company/level39/
Big ecomm services event for agencies:
Finally, join the workshop I am hosting to help agencies understand how to get leads from partners: